Slow Feed Hay Bag (A)

Winning Bid: $30.00

Item condition: New


Item: Slow Feed Hay Bag (A)

Donor: Teresa Storm

Value: $65.00

Minimum Bid: $25.00

Increments: $5.00

Description: The best hay nets on the market! Every hay net is HAND tied!!! Half bale size

Shipping: None


Contact: 641.891-9793   [email protected]


Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: beth.valen

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
beth.valen 9 December 2023 8:56 am $30.00
taylorgmcclendon 5 December 2023 12:24 pm $25.00
Auction started 4 December 2023 12:00 am