Tuesday Training Tip – Nancy Sue Ryan

This week’s training tip is from a legendary horsewoman who has earned the respect of the entire industry, Nancy Sue Ryan.

Don’t Train The Try Out Of Your Horses

“Your horses don’t have to improve every ride or you’re going to take the ‘want to’ out of them. Some days you just go ride. You don’t have to be training on them constantly.  An over trained horse is the one that sours out first.

It’s all about consistency, consistency, consistency. When I take ahold of a horse’s head and they give it, I give it back to them. Ask for it, and if you receive it, give it back to them. Always have a place for them to go when you move them sideways. You can’t have everything boxed up. A horse has to have someplace to go. They have to have an open door somewhere.”

Read the Reach for the Stars with Nancy Sue Ryan for more great tips

? Superlative Equine

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