2022 AQHYA World Show Tentative Schedule Released
Courtesy AQHA
The tentative schedule for the 2022 Ford AQHYA World Championship Show is now available online. The schedule includes Level 3, Adequan® Level 2 and the newly introduced Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions youth classes.
View the tentative Ford AQHYA World schedule.

Entry information will be released online at a later date. The entry process for all classes at the 2022 Ford AQHYA World, including the new Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions core classes, will remain with the youth advisers, as it has been in previous years to ensure the youth meet affiliate requirements to compete. View the list of affiliate youth advisers. Contact your youth adviser for more details on the Ford AQHYA World requirements and the online entry process. Read for more details.
New at the 2022 Ford AQHYA World
Adequan® Level 2 13-&-Under Core Classes
Beginning at the 2022 Ford AQHYA World, Adequan® Level 2 core classes will now offer two age divisions for 13-&-Under and 14-18 exhibitors to participate in with their American Quarter Horses, instead of 18-&-Under.
The addition of Adequan® Level 2 13-&-Under core classes allows younger AQHYA members the chance to participate on a more level playing field with peers of similar age, experience and achievement. The seven core classes are defined as showmanship, western pleasure, horsemanship, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, ranch riding, and trail.

Ford AQHYA World Jackpot Classes
New for 2022, exhibitors will have the opportunity to enter an optional jackpot for each class at the Ford AQHYA World. Participants who enter will be given the opportunity to win a cash payout. The AQHA Executive Committee approved this youth-member-submitted rule change to offer an optional jackpot at the Ford AQHYA World to help create opportunities for AQHYA members to win cash prizes. AQHA is evaluating potential scholarship opportunities associated with the optional jackpots for the future.
Ford AQHYA World All-Arounds
Exhibitors will also have the opportunity to compete for youth all-around titles in the 13-&-Under and 14-18 age divisions. This youth-member-driven initiative was presented at the 2022 AQHA Convention and will be implemented at this year’s show. The top two exhibitors in each age division will be recognized for demonstrating the versatility of their American Quarter Horses with all-around and reserve all-around titles for the first time in AQHYA World Championship Show history.
For more information about the Ford AQHYA World, visit www.aqha.com/youthworld.
About the Ford AQHYA World
The Ford AQHYA World Championship Show is the world’s largest, single-breed world championship horse show open exclusively to youth exhibitors age 18 and under. This is the pinnacle event for youth competitors around the world who must qualify for the event by earning a predetermined number of points to secure a spot in each of the classes, representing English, western and halter disciplines, or earn an invitation through their state or provincial affiliate. The show includes Level 3, Adequan® Level 2 and Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions classes.
To learn more about the Ford AQHYA World, visit www.aqha.com/youthworld.
Ford Motor Co. is the title sponsor of the Ford AQHYA World. Ford has been a partner of AQHA since 2002.
AQHA News and information is a service of the American Quarter Horse Association. For more news and information, follow @AQHA on Twitter and visit www.aqha.com/news.