Tom Powers Futurity Cancelled
We are sad to share the news that the 2022 Tom Powers Futurity has been cancelled after an incredible 42 years of showcasing the most talented horses in the industry.
Tom and Dominique shared their decision after reviewing the stalls booked for the show.

Tom Powers regrets to inform you that we must cancel the 2022 Triple Challenge Futurity as well as the three Southern Ohio Quarter Horse shows scheduled for WEC at Wilmington, Ohio, June 29 through July 3rd. We do not have enough entries to run it this year. Our thanks to all of you who continue to support us. All entry, stalls and camping refunds will be processed soon. Our TRUST stallion program will pay back in May 2023 at the Blue Sky Circuit at Michigan State University. A new stallion program will be announced soon.
Tom and Dominique Powers

This was a very hard decision to make for Tom and Dom. The passion they have shared with the industry through the Triple Challenge Futurity has been an incredible gift. Countless great horses made their debut at the futurity and nothing compared to watching the classes with packed stands and the arena lined with golf carts.
We hope to see the futurity return in the future.
Tom & Dominique are two very gracious and giving people. I’m very sorry to hear this and wish them well.
Thank you kindly for all you’ve done for me. I very much appreciate them
So sorry to hear this news but understand Tom and Dominique’s decisions regarding these shows. Thank you Tom and Dominique for all your hard work and dedication over the last 42 years and also to the Sponsors and competitors for their support. It is very much appreciated.