Solid Paints to Show with Regular Registry Starting January 2025
Combining Regular Registry & Solid Paint-Breds for showing headlines 32 rule change proposals passed by APHA state directors
The 2024 APHA & AjPHA Leadership Gathering featured four days of opportunities to connect, convene and communicate with Paint Horse enthusiasts on the topics of rule change proposals, the APHA strategic plan and more.
Following the considerable discussions amongst committee members, state directors and members, APHA state directors passed 32 new rule changes, including one that combines the Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred Registry for competition purposes at APHA-approved events. Beginning January 1, 2025, all registered Paint Horses will compete together in APHA-approved events, regardless of their registry classification.

The Leadership Gathering took place February 29-March 3, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas. Rule change proposal voting took place immediately after the Leadership Gathering concluded on March 3; voting was open until 11:59 p.m. CST on March 4. State directors who attended both State Director Meetings in-person at the Leadership Gathering received the opportunity to vote.
One particular highlight of the 2024 Leadership Gathering for attendees were the four days of valuable discussion that took place between state directors, general membership, the APHA Board of Directors and staff. Included were opportunities to share input on the APHA three-year strategic plan, development of the Paynt Points incentive program proposal, rule change proposals and more.
“APHA members, directors and committee members spent much of their valuable time discussing, debating and conversing on many aspects of the rule change proposals, strategic plan and Paynt Points proposal throughout the Leadership Gathering,” APHA President Kelly Boles Chapman said. “With the results of that voting now finalized, the Board of Directors and staff will now use the input gleaned throughout the Gathering to formulate next steps to guide APHA into building a successful platform to carry forth those decisions to incentivize owning, breeding and showing Paint Horses.”
The following rule change proposals were passed with early implementation in 2024, with the date to be determined by staff:
- CONTROL NUMBER: GR-070-1—Anyone found in violation of unsportsmanlike conduct and/or inhumane manner or treatment and placed on suspension will be denied access to or presence at any APHA approved show or event. (98 votes for, 0 votes against; passed with 100%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: RG-070—Removes verbiage requiring minimum areas of contrasting color on a predominantly white horse in order to qualify for APHA Regular Registry. (89 votes for, 7 votes against; passed with 92.71%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: RG-090—Allows the use of numbers when naming a horse. (86 votes for, 12 votes against; passed with 87.76%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-065—Requires assistance by a corresponding Amateur or Youth handler when an Amateur or Youth has multiple eligible horses competing in Grand and Reserve classes. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-175-1—Allows Open halter classes to be offered as Junior and Senior age divisions. (91 votes for, 7 votes against; passed with 92.86%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-175-2—Updates wording to coincide with industry standards, stating all halter classes of a sex division must be judged prior to the grand/reserve of that sex division. (96 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.96%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-191—Provides shows the option to hold Yearling Longe Line as either a single group class, or split into Hunter Yearling Longe Line and Western Yearling Longe Line. (93 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 94.90%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-201-1—Add “back” to the English Performance gaits. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-214-1—Reduces the minimum allowed height in all over-fences classes except for Hunter Hack. (91 votes for, 7 votes against; passed with 92.86%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-301-12—Creates a Ranch Cow Work (box, drive, rope or circle) class. (88 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 94.62%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: JU-000-1—Introduces a standardized pattern start notification system. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: YP-109—Allows Youth Walk-Trot exhibitors to share a horse when the exhibitors are showing in different age divisions. (92 votes for, 6 votes against; passed with 93.88%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: YP-109-2—Removes the two-year limit on Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 division participation. (86 votes for, 12 votes against; passed with 87.76%)
The following rule change proposals were passed by state directors with normal implementation January 1, 2025:
- CONTROL NUMBER: ART. VIII—Reorganizes Zones 12, 13 and 14 to better reflect growing international membership; changes include grouping Israel with Europe in Zone 12, combining Central and South America in Zone 13, and including all other countries in Zone 14. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: RG-100—Simplifies and removes duplication of information in the existing RG-100 rule for enhanced readability and comprehension. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-020—Allows dressage and mounted shooting to count toward all APHA perpetual awards. (89 votes for, 6 votes against; passed with 93.68%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-055—Eliminates SC-055. Classification of Shows and related APHA Champion award requirements for earning Halter points in A- or B-classified shows. (95 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.94%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-090—Removes the exception to mileage restrictions between same-date shows in different European countries. (95 votes for, 3 votes against; passed with 96.94%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-090-1—Updates the method of submitting a show application and how to locate judges. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-095—Removes outdated language from the rule book (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-135—Removes the outdated term “sifting” and language about arranging class placings. (97 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.98%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-180—Removes Exhibitor Group, Sire & Get, and Mare & Foal classes. (94 votes for, 4 votes against; passed with 95.92%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-192—Allows show producers to combine classes for 2-year-olds and yearlings at 1- or 2-judge shows in all zones. (91 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 94.79%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-246—Remove the bronze horse medal in EWU (Erste Westernreiter Union) from the eligibility exclusion list for Green Western Pleasure and related Green classes. (97 votes for, 0 votes against; passed with 100%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-302-2—Removes the international exception that permits crossover between ranch pleasure and Western pleasure at the same show. (87 votes for, 8 votes against; passed with 91.58%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-325—Eliminates the Solid Paint-Bred showing divisions. Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred Registry horses would compete and be awarded together. (66 votes for, 32 votes against; passed with 67.35%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: AM-020-1—Allows a lessor and lessee to compete with the same horse in separate Amateur and/or Youth divisions at APHA-approved events in Zones 12, 13, and 14. (91 votes for, 6 votes against; passed with 93.81%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: AM-071—Modifies award eligibility requirements to permit those who have previously held a Youth or Amateur show card, but have not earned any equine association points, money or titles to remain eligible for Rookie of the Year titles. (82 votes for, 16 votes against; passed with 83.67%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: AM-210—Eliminates the requirement for Novice Amateur exhibitors to own the horse they are exhibiting at most approved shows. Points earned would count only toward determining Novice Amateur eligibility and would NOT count toward APHA year-end awards. Ownership requirements for APHA-sponsored shows (i.e. World Show) remain unchanged. (81 votes for, 15 votes against; passed with 84.38%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: AM-245—Removes the requirement to hold Novice classes prior to their corresponding Amateur or Youth class. (84 votes for, 14 votes against; passed with 85.71%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: YP-075—Removes one- and two-judge show exceptions regarding Youth 13 & Under classes because these stand-alone shows no longer have minimum class requirements. (95 votes for, 3 votes against; passed with 96.94%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: YP-085—Requires shows to hold grand and reserve halter classes in the Youth division. (93 votes for, 4 votes against; passed with 95.88%)
The following rule change proposals were defeated by state director votes:
- CONTROL NUMBER: SC-257—Creates Green Horse Pattern classes for showmanship, horsemanship and/or hunt-seat equitation. (18 votes for, 80 votes against; failed with 81.63%)
- CONTROL NUMBER: AM-080-1—Adjusts the Masters Amateur minimum age to 50. (36 votes for, 61 votes against; failed with 62.89%)
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About APHA
The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association. Since it was founded in 1962, APHA has registered more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses. Learn more at