Trail Schooling Survival Guide
A Free E-Book From Carson Griggs
If you are trying to stay sharp in preparation for the return of horse shows or perhaps looking to add something new to your repertoire, aspiring horseman and trail course designer, Carson Griggs has created the perfect Trail Schooling Survival Guide for you.

Carson is well known in the industry for his work in the trail pen and he has kindly put together a book filled with at home schooling patterns and exercises that he is gifting the industry with. Most of his exercises require less than 10 poles making them feasible for home use. Carson not only gives you the patterns but tips on building, riding and training over the obstacles.
Thank you Carson for sharing your talents with our readers. If you would like to speak with Carson about his designs for your next show which are suitable for all skill levels of horses and riders email him at [email protected]

About the Author
Carson Griggs is an aspiring horseman and trail course designer living in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He enjoys hanging out at pool halls, fishing, horse shows and, as of March 2020, apparently canned food.
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