The American Quarter Horse Foundation Congratulates Scholarship Recipients

by The American Quarter Horse Journal and

This year, the American Quarter Horse Foundation awarded 39 scholarships at a total of $253,000. This is in addition to the 125 recipients currently receiving a Foundation scholarship.

“The Foundation is so pleased to be able to assist these students pursue a higher education,” said Chris Sitz, senior director of development at the American Quarter Horse Foundation. “Without our generous donors, this would not be possible.”

The recipients have educational majors in a variety of curriculums including pre-med, education and architecture, as well as our career-specific awards for animal science, veterinary medicine, racetrack management, therapeutic riding and journalism.

Recipients are selected based on academic merit, leadership and communication skills, financial need and American Quarter Horse involvement. A multitude of activities are considered when examining a student’s participation level. Ranching, recreational riding, national high school rodeo, 4-H and FFA are all cornerstones for Quarter Horse involvement.

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