Galloping to Freedom Campaign

Press Release

Kickstarter collecting supporters to be part of the wild horse solution

Nothing less than the future of America’s wild horse herds is at stake in Galloping to Freedom: Saving America’s Wild Horses, a compelling new book in the works from award-winning equine photographer Carol Walker. “There are viable solutions to the wild horse problem,” says Walker, “and I detail them all in the book.” Raising funds for publication is Walker’s most pressing concern.

Walker invites donors to support the project with a pledge at, which manages the fund-raising. Funding is all-or-nothing; if the campaign fails to earn the stipulated amount ($40,000), no money changes hands. But then the book won’t be published.

“If the book doesn’t come out this year, my message—the message of viable solutions to the wild horse dilemma—won’t get out. And that means more horses will be rounded up, separated from family bands, placed in unfamiliar terrain, and face a precarious future.” Drought conditions in Wyoming already are threatening one entire herd with emergency removal; others face drastic reductions in herd size. The issue is at a critical point.

Donors to the Galloping to Freedom project will receive autographed copies of the book, be named in book, web and media acknowledgments, and (depending on the contribution level) will receive signed art prints of images from the book. Contributors can be assured that Walker will produce: She has a significant track record of successful publishing. Her first book, Wild Hoofbeats:  America’s Vanishing Wild Horses, earned numerous awards; her popular second book, , also continues to sell well.

The time frame to support Galloping to Freedom short. Just 10 days remain until the July 20 deadline. Contribute online today at . For more information and to contact Carol Walker, visit