Diesel Only’s 2014 Babies are Looking Good!

rambo 5Gail Wilkinson, owner of the gorgeous Diesel Only, wanted to share one of the absolutely adorable babies that Diesel Only is stamping his good looks on. “Check out Baby Rambo and my lovely clients … they’re both dreams!” Gail says. “They make the challenges of owning a stallion all worth it!”

“[As you can see] he is SPOILED rotten!” says Rambo’s “mom” Lacy Pettis. Rambo is owned by Lacy’s mom, Kim Pettis. “Bunny had Rambo on the coldest day of the year… the night is snowed in Panama City and everything iced over!! So funny because we had been feeling him kick away the whole time and he hadn’t been moving much for a few days… so we knew our baby was coming soon! Just didn’t expect him to come in 20 degree temps. He has let us handle him from day one and he will lay down with us… probably because two hours into his life I put a blanket on him and snuggled with him because it was freezing!! Right now he is learning how to lead… I know, early, but he loves to be out with everyone when we let them hand graze and we want to make sure he stays safe!! He has about an acre pasture he spends his days on and then a nice big stall he snoozes in! He also LOVES water… and we have him a large water bin in the paddock… which he keeps his head in most of them time!!!”
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“One of those photos is of my Mom giving Rambo his nightly massage/rub down! That’s how we put him to sleep,” Lacy smiles. “My mom has backed me on all of my crazy horse adventures, and I want to thank her and give her the credit she deserves.”
“We are a part of the Arrington Performance Horses Team, out of Graceville FL, so [Rambo and my other Diesel baby] will be brought up in fabulous program! […] It has been a great adventure so far, and we are carrying on her plans!”

Thanks to Gail and Lacy for sharing your adorable baby with us- we absolutely love the stud muffin! Can’t wait to see even more Diesel babies.

Have baby pictures of your own to share? Be sure to submit them to us in our Featured Foals section here!