2014 Ford Youth World Wrap-Up

Image courtesy of the Quarter Horse Journal.
Image courtesy of the Quarter Horse Journal.

35 world champions were crowned during the 9-day 2014 Ford Youth World held in Oklahoma City.  

Competitions were not only held inside the arena but also outside of it with events like the Merial judging contest, public speaking, and team spirit competitions.  On August 5, each state showed off their spirit with the annual Parade of Teams.  Exhibitors were also able to participate in a very successful pet adoption drive, a college fair, a fashion show, and a variety show.  Select participants thrilled the audience with freestyle performances in showmanship, horsemanship, hunt seat equitation and reining, sponsored by Justin Boots.  

For complete coverage of the 2014 Ford Youth World, including interviews, results, videos, and more, check out their official website.