Rule Change Proposals to be considered at 2016 APHA Convention

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More than 50 rule change proposals are advancing to the 2016 APHA Convention, February 26–29 in Richmond, Virginia; there, they will be carefully considered by standing committees, and proposals moved forward by the committees will be voted on by the APHA Board of Directors for possible inclusion in the 2017 Official APHA Rule Book.

APHA received rule change proposals from members, directors, task forces and staff. Each proposal was carefully considered by the Rules Committee, which then made a recommendation to advance, table or dismiss the proposal. Full text of the 53 rule change proposals being considered is available (look for “2017 Rule Proposals” in the right-hand sidebar) and will be sent to the appropriate standing committees for further discussion.

At Convention, the standing committees vote on the proposals that will move forward, and the Board of Directors vote to pass, amend or fail those proposals that come out of committee.

Share your input on any or all of the rule change proposals with your area’s Board of Directors representatives and members of the appropriate standing committees. A list of 2015 Board of Directors and 2015 Standing Committees is available on