Audrey Grace Online Benefit Auction Opens Monday, 12/12

aghsideviewRESIZED11The Audrey Grace Auction opens TOMORROW, December 12th on Delphi Forum. It will run through SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th 5 p.m. EASTERN time. 

To bid or look at the 35 LEADING Stallions we have Breedings to or 50 Items, click on Forums in the menu bar at the top of the homepage:

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The link to the Forums is on the dark brown menu bar located at the top of the homepage.
When you are on the forum, look at the far LEFT hand side of the screen.  It will have light blue folders named Audrey Grace Stallions, Audrey Grace Items 1 and Audrey Grace Items 2.  Click on the light blue box so that all the breedings or items in the box appears. Only a few will list when you are on the start page unless you click on the folder so all of them are showing.   Find one you are interested in, and click on that title, follow the post’s minimum bid and bid increments and place your bid to the last person bidding.  Please add your name.  There is a clock on the forum and the LAST highest bid following the right increments (you can ALWAYS go higher increments but not lower) at 4:59 pm EASTERN time on the 18th will win the item.    The deadline to pay is January 16th.   

For a visual on how to bid, here is a video Kathy Green did few years ago (so some format might be different) explaining the process.  

Over $30,000 is raised every year through this auction for The Children of New Horizons.   100% of the proceeds from this auction goes directly to the children’s care!!