Giving Credit

smallerCorporate Credit Continues to Take his Riders to the Top

By Robyn Duplisea

There are those horses whose influence is felt inside the show pen as they win the world and congress titles. Other great horses have influence outside of the pen, you may never hear their names but they are the ones building the future of the industry. Safe and kind, these are the horses you trust with your little kids as they learn.

Some exceptional horses are both.

At the 2018 Silver Dollar Circuit I bumped into a familiar face. The soft kind eye on the sorrel gelding showed so much wisdom as he walked around the warm up pen with the tiniest exhibitor. Corporate Credit at 21 years young is still showing and winning at the biggest levels.

IMG_8547 smallerThis great gelding has taken so many riders to the top over the years. With over 2300 points and more championship titles than we have room to list, Dusty has been a top contender for over 18 years. He has been shown by pretty much every big name trainer in the industry. Trail, Western Riding, Horsemanship and Showmanship have all been dominated by this great gelding and his owners.

However, at the 2018 Sun Circuit Corporate Credit’s latest influence was in the Pleasure Pen. Hailey Brown borrowed the great gelding from her sister Alexa to show in the Walk Trot Pleasure. “Dusty” seemed to know the precious cargo he was carrying into the pen. The Brown’s have leased Corporate Credit from owner Bonnie Sheren and he continues to build the future champions of this industry.

“He is just so kind” shared Tonya Brown. “Hailey has been riding him since November, but this was only her second time to show him.”

The team was all seriousness as the entered the pen. Five year old Hailey confirmed that her hand position was correct as she prepared to enter the pen for her moment to shine.IMG_8571

As the walk trotters worked the pen Hailey had to navigate a tight spot and all watching were amazed as she used her corner to create some room. Well, we think it was Hailey but we wouldn’t be surprised if Dusty did it himself.

Though Hailey was competing in the walk jog class, it really was not the class she wanted.  “She loves to lope him” shared Brown “she actually wanted to enter a loping class, so I had to fib and tell her it was against the rules for this show” explained Tonya with a laugh.

After the walk jog completed – with three blue ribbons for Dusty and Hailey, a quick change had sister Alexa back in the saddle for Horsemanship. Alexa and Dusty will compete in the youth all around and so far the show is off to a great start for this team as well.

Corporate Credit is an example of what I love in this industry. A great horse, who has been maintained properly and can still compete at the highest levels even at 21. This horse has touched so many lives over his career, and he continues to build future generations.

A soft scratch on his neck (in his favorite spot that Hailey showed me) was my way to say thank you to this one of a kind horse. Thank you Dusty for creating passion for this industry, and taking care of all of your riders along the way.

You certainly are a credit to the industry!