Darol Rodrock Publishes New Book to Benefit Foundation For Foster Kids.

41kNBZC3HdL._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_When many in our industry hear the name Darol Rodrock they think of such greats as Only In The Moonlite and Certain Potential. While Rodrock Quarter Horses have built a legacy of greatness in the show and breeding arenas it is a different legacy we are focusing on today.

Darol Rodrock has written and released a new book to benefit  the Darol Rodrock Foundation.  This foundation was delveloped in 2014 “with the focus of collaborating with partners to support the local foster youth aging out of the system with professional and personal development. We seek to build a community for kids in foster care who don’t have the love of family or friends to lend them a helping hand.”

Rodrock’s passion for helping improve the lives of those in foster care comes from his own past. A past which he shares in his new book “Out of the Shadow: I Can and I Will”. Rodrock shares his very personal story of overcoming the adversity of abusive parents, being a young run away and finding himself in the foster system. Eventually blessed by wonderful  foster parents,  Rodrock was able to turn his life around and he founded one of the most succesful residential development companies in the Midwest.

In this triumphant book Rodrock shares how he was “shuffled in and out of orphanages and foster homes”  the shadow of his past was something Darol spent his life overcoming.  In this new book he shows “how an abandoned little boy grew up to be an ambitious businessman and passionate philanthropist.” 

Rodrock shares his personal beliefs and daily practices that helped make such a dynamic transition possible.

This is a story of faith, of hope, and of healing. It’s proof that the ugliest of beginnings can be transformed into something truly beautiful.

100% of the proceeds will benefit the Darol Rodrock Foundation and those children who are aging out of foster care. Many of those aging out of foster care are in an especially difficult and/or dangerous situation.

“They have come up through the state system, and at the age of 18, they are turned out on the streets as ‘adults’  with very little support that most of us continue to receive from our family such as money, shelter, food, direction and no one to call. ”  Rodrock says “Whether we realize it or not, these kids are in our community, making choices that will affect many generations to come. They need our help!”

If you would like to purchase a copy of Darol’s book you can buy it on Amazon HERE