APHA World Show patterns are now available

Image courtesy of the Paint Horse Journal.
Image courtesy of the Paint Horse Journal.

Pull out your cones and practice your transitions—the APHA Open and Amateur World Championship Show patterns are now available!

This year’s patterns are presented by HorseShowPatterns.com, and will also be accessible via the World Show website. A Plus membership to HorseShowPatterns.com is not required to access the patterns. 

Get a leg up on the competition by attending the Ride the Pattern seminar Tuesday, November 4 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the John Justin Arena. A World Show judge will walk through the horsemanship, equitation and showmanship patterns with volunteer riders and offer opinions and recommendations for pattern perfection as well as answer any exhibitor questions.

The Paint Horse Journal will be live tweeting from the event. Follow along at @worldshow. A Twitter account is not required to view the tweets.

Looking for some last minute preparation tips? Review the helpful tips from the 2014 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show Ride the Pattern event with World Show judge Bennie Sargent.

The Journal’s 12-part series The Game Plan also covered these challenging pattern classes. Catch up on Horsemanship and Equitation in the June issue, and showmanship in March. Subscribe, renew or order back issues of the PHJ today! Get candid Judges’ opinions and recommendations for these classes and more on YouTube through APHAvideo.